Notas de la galera

Vision surrealista??

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Somebody asked me to talk about rabbits and I satisfy my public, so rabbits are gonna be this time. What can we say? well when we were kids people talked us about horses and bunnies or something like that, but why animals? what do they got so special that hasnt got a plant for example? are they more confident to us than another living being? what about those incredible adventures that non-existent things got in cartoons? I've nver seen a cool plant having a great adventure or being a hero. what do cartoon designers got against those poor plants? the only ones we watch are bad or attack people. I could accept that from a garlic plant that scare away people or onion. Besides there are other kingdoms to explore, well we got the Sponge Bob case where somebody was inspired and made that gay experiment, no ofense to Sponge Bob fans.
Anyway, keep supporting my geometric bodies as a possible TV show, thats really high quality education!
See you soon


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